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About Our School
Sri Bala Vidyalaya was established by Sri Bala Nanda Educational Trust in the year 2001. Sri Bala Nanda Educational Trust is the brain child of Dr.M.Balakrishnan, a renowned Educationist and Trade Union Leader. The Trust was registered with the District Registrar, Chennai – North vide registration No. 2877 of 2005.
The main objective of the Trust is to establish educational institutions on the pattern of English Public Schools at places where there is less concentration, adopting the quality of a model school and run the school providing good ambience / atmosphere for an enjoyable quality education to all.
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Our VIP Message

I.A.SThe initiative of Dr.M.Balakrishnan, Founder and the dedication of Smt.Santhanalakshmi are laudable. The children are highly zealous and I wish the institution all success.

ActorMy best wishes for the furnishment in the field of academic to our beloved and respected Founder Dr.M.Balakrishnan.

DEAN MADRAS MEDICAL COLLEGE, CHENNAI-3I congratulate the school for its academic excellence and for having achieved cent percent result in the public examination consecutively for the past seven years. I am pleased to note that the school inculcates general discipline and encourages its students in sports and cultural achievements.

I.P.SI congratulate and wish all the children good luck for their future endeavour.
What Parents say ?

F/o ShreyaWe are indebted to Sri Bala Vidyalaya, Perambur where our daughter, Shreya is currently studying in grade X. Our son, Srikrishnan has studied in this esteemed school and ranked school first in his grade X through excellent coaching and one-to-one focus by the Teachers and the Management.

F/o Indhuja & SreejaI am happy that my daughters are studying in this school. I appreciated the school management, for emphasizing on YOGA & MEDITATION for the students. P T M conducted by the school after each term, helps us to know the progress of our children. The teachers are really appreciable. They encourage, motivate and are an inspiration for the students.